Thursday, 17 May 2007

Pedestrian Paths – Bicycles vs. Pedestrians

Pedestrian Path is the footpath built for pedestrians.
But very often we find invading cyclists on the path.
Currently it is illegal to ride bicycles on Pedestrian Path.
Pedestrians have the right of way.
Cyclists may not know they do not have the right of way.
Most of the time pedestrians and cyclists give way to each other.
Sometimes, pedestrians have to give way to impatient cyclists.
A cyclist gives you a scare when he whizzes past you at a high speed.
Some cyclists make a fuss when you block their path.
A pedestrian cannot seek redress if a hit-and-run cyclist hits him.

As a trial, bicycles will be permitted on pedestrian paths in Tampines.
Pedestrians and cyclists will have equal rights on pedestrian paths.

Last night I had a wild dream.
I dread to think of the following possible scenarios.
Soon there may be traffic rules for pedestrian paths.
A pedestrian may need a walking license.
A cyclist may need a cycling license.
A cyclist may need a cycling insurance.
A pedestrian may need a walking insurance.
A senior citizen or a toddler may need to pay more for insurance.
A pedestrian may need an annual check-up to ensure his path-worthy.
A bicycle may need an annual check-up to make sure it is path-worthy.
There may be a minimum speed for a pedestrian.
There may be a maximum speed for a bicycle.
Traffic police may be deployed to maintain law and order.
Pedestrian path bullies may be hauled to the courts.
The “may” list can go on and on.

Let’s hope the yearlong trial project proves to be successful.
And the “may” list is just realized in my dreams.
Pedestrians and cyclist will co-exist peacefully.
We can do away with the need for strict traffic rules about the paths.
A more gracious society may emerge.
Singapore will get another No. 1.
Three Cheers to Singapore!

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